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Singapore Airlines and the Concorde: What Went Wrong?

In the year 1977, British Airways wanted to expand its Concorde services eastwards and partnered with Singapore Airlines. This venture saw Singapore Airlines operate the Concorde from Heathrow to Singapore, via Bahrain. However, numerous factors led to the failure of this route and ultimately the termination of the Asian Concorde program as a whole. ( 기타...

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I was flying a Gulfstream One (G-159) based in Riyadh during this period. Bahrain was the ATC center handling all the traffic East of Saudi Arabia during this time. Local aircraft like mine were assigned permanent transponder codes. Several times I was flying and the Concord would be inbound from Singapore. They would request a relay to get a descent from FL600 to FL450. They were too far away from Bahrain to reach Bahrain on VHF.


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