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A JetBlue passenger allegedly rushed the flight deck and attacked a flight attendant. Crew members had to use ‘makeshift restraints.’

A man on a JetBlue flight from Boston to Puerto Rico this week allegedly choked and kicked a flight attendant after rushing to the front of the plane and urged crew members to shoot him. Authorities said the passenger, identified in an FBI affidavit as Khalil El Dahr, also tried to reach the flight deck. Several flight attendants — six or seven, according to the FBI — were ultimately able to restrain El Dahr using a neck tie, flex cuffs and seat belt extenders. He was arrested after the flight… ( 기타...

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DB Vesty 1
So far this year, over 4,300 unruly passenger incidents have been reported to the FAA. Someday they'll just report the flights that went well.


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