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Police said they have detained an American Airlines passenger who walked on the wing of a plane after it landed in Miami

Officials say they have detained an American Airlines passenger who opened an emergency door and walked onto the wing of a plane that had landed in Miami International Airport (MIA), according to local news reports. The Miami-Dade Police Department (MDPD) said the passenger was walking on the plane wing around 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday evening as the aircraft was taxiing, CBS 4 Miami reported. The plane arrived from Cali, Colombia, police said. ( 기타...

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k1121j 6
Where are these weirdos coming from?
Good question.... But our Country seems to be full f them.
Cali Columbia. as shown in the text
IMHO the most extraordinary aspect of this is that nobody got a cellphone video of the incident.
Likely planning on avoiding Immigration!


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