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China regulator says more testing needed to certify C919 aircraft

China's aviation regulator said on Friday that there is still a huge amount of testing to be done for the home-grown narrowbody C919 aircraft to be certified, raising doubt over planemaker COMAC's year-end target. So far, the C919, China's attempt to rival Airbus SE and Boeing Co, has completed only 34 certification tests out of 276 planned, Yang Zhenmei, a Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) official, told reporters. Reuters in September reported COMAC has found it… ( 기타...

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So your telling me that sense May 5th 2017 till now that the C919 has only completed 36 flights. Am I missing something here?
Hopefully, this piece of machinery is being made better than everything else that comes out of that country these days.
At work, so many out of box failures; stainless steel BBQs that start to rust within a week, bolts for chairs that are made from metal that is so soft an Allan Key strips the end of the bolt before tightening...........all-metal 'things and this jet is a metal thing.

The world is about to pay for China's Most Favoured Nation Status that has been in place since the '70s.


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