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Man takes flight to Miami with loaded gun in his pocket

A man flew on an American Airlines flight from Bridgetown, Barbados, to Miami carrying a loaded firearm with him in the plane's cabin, according to NBC 6. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is investigating the security breach, which has prompted concern by experts in aviation safety. Cameron Hinds, the man who allegedly carried the gun onboard the plane, was stopped at a TSA checkpoint in Miami International Airport when officers found the loaded handgun with his belongings,… ( 기타...

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Goodness me, we now get Flight Attendants attacked, women breast feeding their Cat on board ? and other idiots jumping out of the Aircraft before it's gotten to the gate ? and now a Loaded Hand Gun on board an Aircraft arriving from outside the country. I hate to think of the next event to take place !!! NOTHING I hope ?


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