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Burt Rutan Retires

Five of his aircraft designs hang in the Smithsonian..... ( 기타...

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It's a sad day for Aerospace. Burt's ability to think out of the box and his ability to create forward thinking aircraft is mostly unmatched by the majority of the aerospace industry as a whole. My favorite aircraft of his will always be the Boomerang. His partnership with Virgin Galactic will be a milestone in the industry and one that will amaze generations to come.

I do hope that Burt will continue being involved in projects in the future. Enjoy your time off!
gbesley 0
Even today, technology from the 1930's dominates the aircraft industry. Burt Rutan seemed one of the few to be able to think outside the "box". I hope he inspires the upcoming engineers to give us something new, exciting, efficient, and fun to fly. Burt, I too wish you a great retirement. I hope you realize how much you have given all of us.
TTail 0
bring back the StarShip. So ahead of it's time.


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