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Spirit urges shareholders to reject JetBlue’s offer

Spirit Airlines said on Tuesday it’s board had urged shareholders to reject the unsolicited buyout from JetBlue Airways… ( 기타...

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pilotjag 3
Jetblue and Spirit's business styles are completely different. Honestly, I don't think it would really work out and be a great merge. The Frontier merger makes more sense. Jetblue had its chance with Virgin America but it flopped against Alaska Airlines
Chris B 1
What we don't know is JetBlue's business plan for Spirit. They overlap a lot. But JetBlue has a weak network where others like Southwest are strong
jet blue would have to rehabilitate spirit into a service provider instead of a low level airline seat provider. I wonder if it is worth the effort just to get a few hundred more planes and a work force that thinks of "quality service" little if at all.


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