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More than 700 flights canceled Sunday

New York CNN Business — At least 730 flights were canceled across the United States on Sunday evening, according to the flight-tracking website FlightAware. ( 기타...

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too many a/c and not enough crews. Has anyone maybe thought of using larger a/c = instead of 37's? Use a 57 or 77. Those short haul routes eat up the profit (if any). Let the feeders take those. Old hub and spoke worked well for a very long time
avionik99 -1
Airlines need to be fined heavily for cancelling flights when its manpower related. They not only overbook and over schedule knowing in advance they cannot meet the demand but yet do it anyways??
Why? Because they are allowed to get away with it! Heavy fines and return passengers ticket fees 5 fold would be a great start to ending this self inflicted mess! It is totally unfair to their passengers and this practice needs to be stopped!!!
Before deregulation there was a passenger bill of rights


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