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Virgin Orbit suffers in-flight anomaly during historic first mission from UK

Virgin Orbit’s attempt to make history by launching the first set of satellites from British soil Monday night did not go as planned, resulting in the loss of all nine satellites on board. Cosmic Girl, a modified 747, taxied toward history as it took off at 5:02 p.m. ET from Spaceport Cornwall in Newquay, England, hoping to successfully christen a new spaceport. Once it reached 35,000 feet in the air, the aircraft deployed a rocket, called LauncherOne, which would then launch its payloads into… ( 기타...

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Meantime Virgin Galactic sits silent as New Mexico taxpayers get stuck with monthly payments for an unused 12k foot runway and a architecturally beautiful and unused terminal. 17 years and one manned VG launch/recovery at Spaceport America. $210 million of taxpayer funds spent on an unused boondoggle in one of nation’s poorest states.
I am in Roswell. Operate a Flight Aware station here. Did not know of Branson rip-off. One of my friends worked for Rutan for 20+ years. When they built a vehicle for Branson there was a celebratory dinner and party. Scaled employees were not allowed in! But I see Branson and his company have divested in much of Virgin Galactic now owning only 11.9%.
And Virgin Orbit is still a virgin...
Yikes 😬


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