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United Airlines reveals first eVTOL passenger route starting in 2025

In 2025, United Airlines will fly an air taxi service between the downtown Vertiport Chicago and O'Hare International Airport, using electric vertical takeoff and landing aircraft it is purchasing from Archer Aviation. The Archer Midnight eVTOL aircraft will complete the route in about 10 minutes; according to local resident and Ars Managing Editor Eric Bangeman, that journey by car can take over an hour due to road construction. "Both Archer and United are committed to decarbonizing… ( 기타...

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once these take flight with passengers, i will make it a goal to ride it back and forth a few times, just for the view of course.
I would expect there to eventually be more direct connections to downtown Chicago, Vertiport Chicago isn't exactly where business takes place. The lower noise levels of eVTOLs should make it possible to operate flights that land in the heart of the business center without anyone on the street even hearing the aircraft.


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