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Dead armadillo on Florida airport runway delays dozens of flights

ORLANDO, Fla. (WFLA) — Dozens of flights were delayed at Orlando International Airport on Wednesday after an armadillo was found dead on the runway. A Southwest Airlines crew spotted the animal at around 7 a.m. The incident was originally believed to be a bird strike until officials got a closer look. ( 기타...

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bentwing60 1
Gee whiz, in TX their called roadkill, in AR they are 'meals under wheels' and in FL, a showstopper at the aerodrome! Must have been a terrodillo. They are pretty rare around my neck of the woods. sss all the way.

Cheers, it's tgif.
mbrews 1
I spent a few years driving on Florida roads. On rural Florida roads, you encounter Armadillo as road-kill roughly once a week. They are slow movers, with crusty shells.


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