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American Airlines defends 5-passenger flight

Five people got the lavish ride of a lifetime as the only passengers on a transatlantic flight, causing environmental groups to criticize the major carrier for leaving a wasteful carbon footprint. ( 기타...

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Dan Betts 0
I guess these same environment groups would be made at me for sending 2 flights with only 2 people and one flight with ZERO (yes it was scheduled and extremely late and everyone was put on a larger aircraft that arrived earlier).
jerry1gman 0
Lets hope they don't start complaining about the CAO airlines.
These ultra-green, sanctimonious tree huggers are the most inconsistent, illogical cretans to walk God's green earth (well, then there's our new Socialist Federal Govt. :( ) Can you imagine the reaction when their bus or train is cancelled due to low ridership?


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