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UPS To Retrofit Air Fleet With Full Facemasks For Pilots

UPS announced it would retrofit the cockpits of its air fleet with quick-donning, full-face oxygen masks with integrated smoke goggles. Installation of the enhanced pilot safety equipment comes at the recommendation of the Joint UPS-Independent Pilots Association (IPA) Safety Task Force. This comes after a UPS Airlines Flight 6 which ( 기타...

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Matt Kulik 0
Those masks are expensive though!
chop 0
Pretty cool and novel idea. What's the per unit cost of the system?
Yes they are expensive, but UPS makes around $30 Billion a year
Mark Duell 0
Does FedEx have them already?
mark tufts 0
may be expensive but well worth it
Matt Kulik 0
$20,000/mask. I cant believe the penny pitcher accountants let this happen but, all the better for the pilots!
Matt Kulik 0
Next should be EVAS if they dont have it installed already. I would feel so much safer in any airliner if the requirements included EVAS.
But then again i hate the Gov controlling as much as they do already but in the name of safety I would pay extra for a plan ticket if i knew the a/c had EVAS.
indy2001 0
The last paragraph in the article clearly states that EVAS was already adopted in April.
Brings up the Valu-Jet incident in Miami years ago. If the pilots survived to land the aircraft, would the smoke have suffocated the passenger anyway?


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