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Japan ATC worker posts Obama flight plan - faces punishment

TOKYO—A news report says an air traffic controller at Tokyo's Haneda Airport is facing possible punishment after posting confidential information on his blog, including the flight plan for President Barack Obama's visit to Japan last year. Kyodo News agency says the controller also posted the flight plan for an unmanned American reconnaissance plane that was sent to gather data from the crippled Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant. All the images have since been deleted. It says the… ( 기타...

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dbaker 0
The article is missing a key issue -- was the information disseminated before or after the A1 flight?
The US doesn't really have much of a leg to stand on when it comes to keeping confidential information secret.
concord977 0
This article describes what happened in greater detail. The ATC worker used his own digital camera to take pictures of two different screens in the tower as AF1 was approaching Haneda. He posted 12 images on his blog "several days after taking the photos."

While the "after the fact" element is important - this guy violated the law by taking pictures inside a tower at all - which is a violation of Japanese law.

It's entirely possible he had no bad intentions and just thought the whole thing was cool and wanted to share it. But his country's laws are what they are.

In related news - he also posted the flight plans of a Global Hawk that was deployed to research the effects of the nuclear reactor crisis. "The flight information included scheduled takeoff and landing locations, flight paths and altitudes."
Like he was the only one to take pictures?? So what? And where is the law written that it is a violation of Japenese Law?? They will just implore him not to do that again! Case closed.


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