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(Video) Remote ATC Towers active in Sweden by Saab/LFV Team...

Comments from the flightaware think-tank Please: Could the antique ATC system in the US incorporate such a system? Is this the system of local control for the future? As a passenger would you feel comfortable landing at an airport without a real tower? What about glitches and possible weaknesses in the system? ( 기타...

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Falconus 0
I'm comfortable landing at an airport without a real [or any] tower. I've done that hundreds of times, and it's not a problem.
travisb922 0
Yeaaah great idea until the power goes out...
Ben Lillie 0
Pretty cool.
f111blue 0
I dont know the details but I would like an individual onsight. In my experiance of flying sometimes the close proximity of aircraft or what if the aircraft doesnt have a radar tag. What about the lag in the video feed or movement of the camera?
Good questions - I guess we can let the Swiss try it and see if theres any black smoke.
The FAA could save a TON of money with this. Just put all those guys playing VATSIM and pipe in real aircraft in the system - easy. o.0


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