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Unless you keep your iPad near 100% full, not a problem, as previously discussed...I have a 32 GB unit and even with everything ForeFlight has to offer, 3 movies, tons of music, and many Apps, it's still got 10 GB free space. ForeFlight has already told their users that they have strongly urged Apple to provide a fix for this as well.
donhun1313 0
Reminds me of what one of my old computer gurus used to described computer operating systems.

1. The Apple way or the highway
2. It is NOT a bug! It is an undocumented feature. (Microsoft's corporate motto)
3. Some intelligence required. ( Warning label that should be on every copy of LINUX)
preacher1 0
As has prevously been talked about a couple of weeks ago when this first hit,there shouldn't be all that other crap on there anyway. They are legal and used for the purrpose of a pilot not to have to carry a 50# flight bag full of charts. For that other crap, get you an IPOD or another IPAD, put your crap on it and quit bitching about this upgrade.
A simple warning that downloading the files is required after the upgrade would have alerted the user of this. Not a big deal, either allow enough time to re-load the files or don't upgrade until time allows. A big boo boo on apple's part. It's still a better system than windows.
There are two issues with the upgrade. One is potential data loss with the upgrade itself and the second is data loss because iOS 5 has the ability to delete data as the device becomes full.


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