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Plane takes off from San Antonio, crashes in Denton, killing pilot

An instructor pilot died and two people were injured early Tuesday when a single-engine aircraft flying from San Antonio to Denton crashed at its destination, according to officials. ( 기타...

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preacher1 1
I don't know why it would sound suspicious to anyone. You had an instructor pilot, and the FP originated at Denton, going to San Antonio and back. What is suspicios about getting nighttime hours?
pfp217 0
I agree
Toby Sharp 0
Big Foreigner flight school up in Denton
pfp217 0
Since you capitalized "Foreigner" do you mean that the members of the band Foreigner go to a big flight school up in Denton? I don't get it?
Toby Sharp 0
........yes.....Foreigner is playing at the flight school in Denton........get over yourself
pfp217 0
No I really don't understand what you're saying Tobes , fill us in.
Perhaps the name of the flight school is "Big Foreigner".
Turbo182 0
It's called night currency. Tell Stephen Brown (who is obviously a non-pilot) to read the FARs. And get the facts before making an uninformed statement. My thoughts and prayers to the family of the Instructor. As a flight instructor and member of NAFI, it especially hurts when one of our "brothers" expire.
N987BT, Cessna 172R Skyhawk, U.S. Aviation Group.
N987BT, Cessna 172T Skyhawk, U.S. Aviation Group.
What were they doing flying at 1 AM. Sounds suspicious!!
That comment is ridiculous. People fly at all hours. If you are in town for a conference or something that runs late in the night it would be very common to get airborne after midnight.
sking100 0
You have to log "night" time for your PPL. I found flying at night (did mine at 3AM) was easier as there was little traffic and if your a "night owl" go for it. Also, if it was a school plane (which appears to be) that may have been the only block it was available to fly at night. Your comment was not very appropriate.
pfp217 0
yeah very suspicious! Might have been one of those weirdos like me who works at night and 1am is right after work. Of course no one has ever had a family emergency in the middle of the night or had other obligations that require them to be on the road in the middle of the night.


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