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Do corporate jets actually put money into the local economy?

This is the first article that I have seen that actually tries to quantify the financial impact that general aviation has on a local economy. Some of the usual rhetoric, from both sides, is in here, but, at the end of the day, it comes down to dollars, and this article tries to tackle that issue. Pay particular attention to the specific number listed on the right hand side of the page. ( 기타...

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Rebel11 0
The side numbers are interesting. Think of how impressive they could have been for a better FBO instead of a Signature.
As a Fractional Pilot for the past ten years, I have seen how many entities truly rely on corporate aviation. The congress did no favors for the economy by listing corporate aviation as a luxury, indulged by the wealthy. Many in our nation lost much due to political perceptions. Fortunately, it appears this knee-jerk reaction has faded some; for the benefit of all.


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