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Skydiver Felix Baumgartner Completes 18 Mile Jump

The balloon took 90 minutes to get to 90,000 feet. The crane holding the capsule went up as fast as it could to get the capsule under the 210-foot tall balloon as it rose. After he jumped, Baumgartner was in freefall for three minutes and 48 seconds . After five minutes, his parachute opened, at which point it took another seven to 10 minutes to descend to Earth. Baumgartner's speed went from 0 to 536 in 25 seconds flat. ( 기타...

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preacher1 5
I just cannot figure out that how, at 500mph+ at chute opening, either how he keeps from getting ripped apart or the chute holds together at that stress/speed.
I don't understand this – if he dropped at 536 mi./h for 3 min. and 11 seconds(at approximately 47,000 ft./m) he would've dropped 141,00 '... Or roughly 50,000 feet into the earth.

Also, doesn't a falling human body reach a maximum(terminal) velocity of approximately 120 mph? What am I missing here? Bob Christman
Terminal velocity slows as altitude decreases due to density altitude. As soon as he reached 536 MPH, he began to decelerate all the way down.
Spot on. Starting at such a high's all about density altitude. Combine that altitude with the OAT and that's how he's going 536 almost immediately. Better him than me.
Toby Sharp 2
The math doesn't add up.........
onjuku20 2
In the thin air, at altitude, he started that fast. As the air gets thicker he stays at terminal velocity for that altitude. All the while, he slowing because of increased drag. He is using the atmosphere to slow as the shuttle does from 25000mph to landing speed. That's my theory!
Well congratulations Mr. Baumgartner..Whenever they said you were going to do this jump I felt certain that you were basically signing on your death certificate; you proofed a lot of people wrong...Congratulations
Well congratulations Mr. Baumgartner..Whenever they said you were going to do this jump I felt certain that you were basically signing on your death certificate; you proofed a lot of people wrong...Congratulations


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