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Should airlines let passengers make calls via Wi-Fi?

Flessing wasn't making a conventional cellphone call. He was using Truphone, which allows smartphones to use wireless, or Wi-Fi, connections to make calls. The technology is known as Voice over Internet Protocol or VoIP. Flessing also booted his laptop and videoconferenced with his brother using Skype, another VoIP application. He turned his computer to face the window so his brother could see the clouds. "My brother says, "How are you doing this?' " ( 기타...

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mattdavis 0
Of course they should.
sl0wyeag 0
No, No, No, Please no!!
klsfargo 0
I've got people trained to not talk to me on an airplane. Now they can talk to someone else? I want world peace...peace and quite. read a book, take a nap. no phones.
dbaker 0
I'm sort of amazed that it worked from the air, considering the bandwidth and latency requirements of a VoIP call.
Absolutely should be allowed.
No calls! An airliner is one of the last few places on the planet where you do not have to listen to someone speaking obnoxiously loud on their cell phone, or listen to annoying ringers. No phones!
It is bad enough listening to some of the conversations between passengers seated near me. Why would any intelligent person want to listen to a plane load of passengers talking over each other during phone calls?


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