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Sydney Harbour to get floating heliport

Sydney Harbour is set to get a floating heliport next month, with flights to and from Sydney Airport joining the mandatory sight-seeing excursions. ( 기타...

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This is terrible. How to turn a beautiful harbour into a noisy (helicopters are REALLY loud)ugly thing. Why not put a helipad on top a building or two...???
I guess it will very much depend on the actual location. A heliport will be for the benefit of a small group of business people. As a tourist benefit it does have some appeal and I would suggest that around Rose Bay out of the busy ferry traffic might have some appeal. Helicopters are great I just love them but not in the middle of our harbour
rolfe stok 1
The thought of a helipad for the convenience of such few people at the expense of the greater populus seems to be an arrogant move especially when you consider the environmental aspect on a broad number of fronts (noise,excess fuel,wind velocity causing havoc for small craft on the water, let alone the public at large) the list continues...


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