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FAA plans to close 168 air-traffic towers April 1

U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood has said that sequestration will not compromise safety. But the Federal Aviation Administration has released a list indicating that it may close 46% of all air traffic control towers in the U.S., leaving pilots to radio each other to declare their intentions. ( 기타...

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canuck44 11
Attempting to inflict as much pain as possible on as many people as possible for political ends. Hopefully Congress will begin impeachment of the Ray LaHoods and other irresponsible officials. The FAA actually will have more money this year than last...this is political fraud and administrative malfeasance.
Congress can't organize a trip to the bathroom. That's why we're in this mess.
PVUpilot 4
Our controllers received a letter today telling them to expect to be furloughed. It is NOT a smart move! First, cutting jobs isn't going to help the economy... Second, safety is going to be a huge factor. We are at an airport that is very crowded and when we lose our tower, the flight school is going to HAVE to limit it's daily ops, which in turn brings in less money. Think of all the controllers just graduating an ATC school, they won't find a job because all these laid off controllers are going to take whats open. This is a bad, bad move.
ibpilot72 2
Sitting in PVU as I type!!
Most if not all towers that are slated to close are privately staffed by contractors. They were brought in after the PATCO issue many years ago. I agree this is an over reaction and the FAA will have more $$ this year than last even with the cut in the budget. Many other pork projects could be cut instead.
Anybody with half a brain knows this is nothing more than a political stunt to try to paint these so called "cuts" in the worst light possible to the general public. It's those with less than half who will be fooled by all this grandstanding, I.E. the 50.8% who re-elected the Commandant in Chief.
Ok if that's what's braking the. Federal budget, not welfare,food stamps free cell phones, head start and feeding kids breakfast, lunch and dinner. Today I ride with tcas , flight directors and weather in cockpit, a lot better than years ago.
Toby Sharp 2
You could probably run some numbers that would indicate most are not able to afford those
ibpilot72 3
But yet the US has the money for John Kerry to "release" $190M to Egypt today!!!
travelczar 2
Government Propaganda. Much like Germany in the 1930's.
N12345 contact JFK unicom, wx:wind 050@10,vis.1/2,be advised,traffic in the pattern!


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