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Helicopters collide near Berlin stadium

Two helicopters clipped each other and crashed as they landed in a snowstorm near Berlin's Olympic Stadium during a federal police exercise on Thursday, leaving one person dead and several injured, German authorities said. ( 기타...

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Total operator incompetence.
zimmerfly 1
No need for any sort of enquiry then?..Do you work for the Mail?
I don't understand the inuendo if any here do you mean the postal service?
zimmerfly 1
Daily Mail. Usually infamous for mis-reporting aviation news. For once this seems quite a balanced report.
I don't read newspapers. What I can tell you is that here in the UK the police aircraft in NE England where I live do not follow the rules. I had to report a fixed wing once for showing no nav lights and another time for a near miss at low level with a military jet. They believe they can make up the rules as they go along. I have seen them hot dogging above a city park at which point I gave up complaining.


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