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OpenAirplane Launches, Making Airplane Rental Easy, Convenient

OpenAirplane’s Universal Pilot Checkout service promises to make renting a plane as easy as renting a car. Today, OpenAirplane officially launches in six cities, offering access to rental aircraft around the country with one checkout. ( 기타...

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I went to their website and searched for 10 min but couldn't find their locations or aircraft. If Cessna came out with Sky-air or something using 162,172 & 182 using the Citationair concept, I would be their first customer. Maybe Mr. Buffet will come out with NetProps? Something has to be done to open flying to more people in good aircraft that don't resemble the car my grandma drove in the 1960s. Just think of the used market in 5-10 years, It would be flooded with 5-10 year old, modern, quality aircraft with 5,000 hours which is nothing on a Cessna airframe.
somewhere in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Jose, Kissimmee and Detroit
click on the "search field" and a list comes up of available airports
enter a "k" like you are typing in a airport identifier
mattdavis 1
Sounds like a cool idea.
I guess they have all of the aircraft shuttling figured out.....unlike a rental car the planes just can't be towed to another site because they have to be flown; so that's gonna be time consuming or quite a few planes sitting around until someone is actually going to the airport that needs more units....chances are the interiors will be crap within a year and quit a few will have damaged least with a FBO there is more accountability and they usually know you personally.
I think with a stricter checkout, they'll be able to weed out the abusers...
meeverett 2
It appears they are also implementing some type of customer rating system for the rental agency to leave feedback on the pilots. Ideally this will help encourage better behavior and help weed out the abusers.
but don't let me be Mr. Negative......I hope it works.
meeverett 1
My understanding of the system is that, barring getting trapped by weather, there is no aircraft shuttling. Essentially, after you're checked out by a participating rental facility, you can then fly the same(similar?) type of aircraft (e.g., G1000-equipped C172SP) at any other participating rental facility. The aircraft are already owned and rented by some FBO/flight school/etc locally, but OpenAirplane handles checkout and credential verification, payment, scheduling, and customer ratings for those FBOs/flight schools/etc and their out of town guests.

I hope it works, but unless/until something becomes available closer to me, I must remain a spectator.


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