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Virgin Australia 777 in sudden brief dive near Melbourne Airport

The ATSB has somewhat tersely announced an investigation of an apparent autopilot failure in a Virgin Australia 777 ‘near’ Melbourne Airport last Thursday 15 August. ( 기타...

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I had no idea there was any question over the efficiency of the ATSB. I'll have to look into this. It's happening right under my nose here is Australia.
Tom, I'm disappointed. The scandal of the Pel-Air investigation (including the wrong-headed crucifying of the pilot) was widely reported in all major newspapers. Everyone should read Senator Fawcett's report on the Parliamentary Committee's investigation of the CASA-NTSB cover-up and incompetence in investigating the Pel-Air accident.
Right, thanks. I'll go and look that up. I didn't see it because I don't read newspapers.
OK, I'm up-to-speed on that incident. Thanks for the help. I think I need to be a little more 'in the picture' in future before commenting. I value the professionalism of these forums and don't want to get a reputation for uninformed comment.


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