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If I had One Wish for Aviation

This is Eric Auxier's (the venerable Cap'n Aux) wish for the aviation industry. You might be surprised at what his change to the aviation industry would be... ( 기타...

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Aux makes some great points from someone who is positioned well to know about this topic. Also, the high amount of thumbs down here is suspect, I think some immature haters are just on here clicking without even reading this post.
Thanks for posting this, Andrew! Not sure why all the Thumbs down--it's a pretty honest, candid post. I guess some people don't like my brutal conclusions, LOL! ;-)
I suspect some believed it was a duplicate post, either even giving it a read.
Also, all might not exactly agree with a very strong opinion. Some pilots might not like the idea of giving up their livelihood for the some abstract "getting along".


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