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Qatar Airways Becomes Oneworld Member

Qatar Airways is slated to become a full member of the oneworld alliance on Wednesday. The airline’s membership goes into effect at midnight (5:00 p.m. EDT today). The carrier’s first flights as a oneworld alliance member will take place tomorrow. The airline will operate a flight from Dhaka to Doha, set to depart at 12:15 a.m. Doha time, and one at 12:20 a.m. Doha time, from Doha to Riyadh. ( 기타...

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Qatar Airways Joins OneWorld Alliance

The globe got a bit smaller for travelers in the oneworld network this week as Qatar Airways joined the alliance. The airline is the first of the "big three" Gulf carriers to join one of the global alliances, marking a major shift in the way these carriers have participated in the aviation markets.


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