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Teenager dies aboard Delta flight

A Delta Airlines flight from Seattle to Atlanta was rerouted to Spokane International Airport in Washington state shortly after takeoff on Saturday due to a medical emergency that left a 16-year-old male passenger dead, officials said. ( 기타...

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They couldn't return to SEA?
GEG was closer:
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Teen dies aboard Delta Air Lines flight from Seattle to Atlanta

A 16-year-old boy suffered a medical emergency and died on board a Delta Air Lines flight en route to Atlanta from Seattle Saturday morning.

Authorities told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution that the boy, whose name has not been released, was originally from the Atlanta area and was en route with an unspecified number of family members to celebrate Christmas with relatives there. The boy's father is in the military and is stationed in Washington.

Spokane (Wash.) Fire Assistant Chief Brian Schaeffer told the paper that the boy began suffering distress approximately 30 minutes after Delta Flight 128 took off at 9 a.m. local time. The aircraft was diverted to Spokane, where emergency technicians met the plane at a gate


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