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​Man charged with attempting to smuggle F-35 blueprints to Iran

A man has been charged with attempting to send technical data on the F-35 joint strike fighter to Iran, according to the US Attorney for the District of Connecticut. Mozaffar Khazaee was arrested on January 9 at Newark International Airport in New Jersey following the first flight of a trip to Tehran, Defense News reported. Khazaee, a naturalized US citizen since 1991, was charged with “transporting, transmitting and transferring in interstate or foreign commerce goods obtained by theft,… ( 기타...

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mikeap 6
Did it occur to anyone this guy may be a double agent. Maybe he's smuggling the plans to them so they waste all their time and money on a boondoggle, thereby bankrupting themselves. And should any of them get airborne, our "old" Raptors could take the F-35 out of the air in a heartbeat.

Better yet, lets just sell them the entire project as-is for 50 Billion and recoup our losses.

preacher1 1
What I have yet to understand about this whole deal is why the F35 was even allowed to proceed from way back yonder. The F22 wasn't even fully operational and had already been deem too expensive, yet here comes this multi BILLION dollar boondoggle, with no end to the $ in sight. Our current weapons platforms are superior to anything in the world and a real nice upgrade to all of them could have been done for a smidgeon of what this thing will finally wind up costing. Just like the Obamacare website, many $, it don't work, and somebody failed to look at a lower cost alternative that would have.
They can't sell F16s until they have something to beat it in combat. I wish I was being sarcastic. Follow the money. Dwight Eisenhower admonished us to keep a close watch on the military industrial complex
The problem is that the F-35 is not considered very good by many in the know.

To spend billions to create a battlefield winner is still expensive, but maybe justifiable.

There's simply no justification for a combo of more expensive and less fit for combat.

But then there are a whole bunch if countries that are co-invested in this new plane. Maybe, the two are related. No creator of military technology wants lots of countries to share the same air battle capabilities. Or just the design by committee, alone, could create a disater when executed.
Another case of profiling works.
I just like saying the word 'Boondoggle'.
Mozaffar Khazaee??? Hello?!?!.... He's not a real American!! What is the surprise here!! I wonder how many other projects have been compromised due to the idiot scumbags that gave this bozo clearance!!! Only in America!!


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