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Company Jets Not Always a Luxury Perk -

Meanwhile, in the commotion about abuse of corporate jets, it’s easy to overlook the genuinely sensible argument for business aviation. As commercial air service shrinks, with even some midsize markets losing much of their air service, the business use of a company airplane can make bottom-line sense. ( 기타...

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when will anyone learn bigger isn't better. mergers result in less jobs which result in unemployment, systemic unemployment. you can't just retrain everyone to be a software engineer or whatever. unemployment lowers your tax base. that is the thin wedge for the "redistribution of wealth" argument. bigger companies = less jobs. BAD IDEA. stop listening to economists, they are like weathermen, can tell you what happened after the fact, point out all the obvious roadsigns to what eventually happened, but can't be relied upon for 100% prognosis.
cmp5n 0
"Jobs" are only a good measure of the economy if what that person is doing is adding value. GM for example sustained a lot of "Jobs" over the past 50 years, but as it turned out, these "Jobs" came at a cost of billions of dollars to the taxpayers. Taxpayers who were employed in jobs that actually added value, not ones simply sustained to keep unemployment numbers down.


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