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Boeing's new light attack helicopter takes to the skies

Boeing has flown its new light attack/reconnaissance helicopter for the first time in its production configuration. A prototype of the AH-6i was taken through preliminary tests in a flight lasting less than 20 minutes. The flight brings the model one step closer to full production. The AH-6i, part of the AH-6 line, is designed to provide close-air support for land-based forces and to launch attacks on land-based facilities such as tanks, armored vehicles and fortifications. It is based on the… ( 기타...

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Prima facie this chopper is for combat units, but its use may proliferate to private security application in the world where threat perception for the powerful and the rich is increasing by the day .
These birds may prove handy for the escort security yachts, to say the least.
It shows the power of making world class attack helicopter from Boeing, the name that keeps the number one in aviation also for the defence aircraft buyers to make them more secure for their countries.
Cannot see a tail rotor in the pics, so how does it work?


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