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Civil Surveillance A/C plays key role in Hunting Shooting Suspect

Infrared camera equipped Dash-8 assists RCMP in finding suspect who killed 3 police officers and wounded 2 more in Moncton, NB, Canada. This unfolded from Wednesday evening (June4th) to about midnight, Thursday the 5th ( 기타...

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canuck44 1
For those that don't follow Canadian news, this dirt bag lured the RCMP into an ambush killing three and wounding others. Canada has not executed anyone since the early sixties and has abolished capital punishment. The Taxpayer Sparing Shot was not dispatched, the guy has been captured and will live off the public for 25 years.
We gotta start teaching these young Mounties how to shoot!
canuck44 1
Most of the Mounties with whom I have been associated over the years (and played hockey with) have been good to excellent with the weaponry provided. You will notice most wear crossed pistols on their uniforms and as Siriusloon points out they are professional, mostly college educated and put through hell in basic training. Their first assignment used to be to an isolated post although this undoubtedly changed. We really don't need to teach "how to shoot". "When" is the operative word.

Before I went to specialty training in the early 70's our group looked after a guy that shot a Mountie and took a hostage he was threatening. One of the Mounties took him out with his service pistol from 60-75 yards out...a single shot to the neck. The dirtbag was subsequently rendered quadriplegic and over the course of two years died a agonizing death from urinary sepsis, although his mouth never stopped running. All Taxpayer Sparing Shots do not have to be initially fatal.
Perhaps you'll attend the funerals on Tuesday and tell your "joke" to their widows and fellow officers? I'm sure they'll all find it funny.

And then you can meet with the arresting officers and criticize their professional, by-the-book capture of a subject who had surrendered and dropped his weapons. No doubt they'll welcome your advice.

Maybe you live in the wild west, or you like to fantasize that you do, but the Mounties are well-trained professionals who do their jobs well despite your comments and assumptions.
Maybe it sounds like it but I really don't think he meant it jokingly. I think he meant it in the context of that taxpayer sparing shot that John mentions above. The capture was textbook. It's just too bad he offered no resistance. Had he, it is doubtful we'd be having this conversation. You will notice guns were drawn and the group that approached him was heavily armed. Slightest move and I figure a coroners wagon would have carried him out.


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