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Basketball Shot From a Plane

Texas A&M students that call themselves "Dude Perfect" shot an unbelievable basket from a crop duster in their latest viral video. ( 기타...

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how many aggies does it take to shoot a basketball.....
That's not a crop duster.
The camera is actually panned with the basketball hoop out of frame for part of the drop, so they could still be faking it even though CBS claims it's unedited.
I said the same thing to my self -- That's not a Crop Duster!!! Its may be a J3 Cub.
Thats no crop duster thats a quality J3
that is a crop duster from the past century.... we also used them to shoot deer! Granted it's not a Cessna AG or other brand, but why can't you dust your field with seeds in something like this? I wouldn't spray chemicals from it like pesticide or fertilizers - but that would spread a lot of seed quickly!
I believe its fake and gay.
Well, two things are of note to me. Aggies doing this in Austin is an affront to Longhorn Nation. Secondly, what does the FAA have to say about Mr. PIC? His ticket could be bye bye.
That is a fantastic shot!; I have only tried such a thing running down a basketball court.
Kudos dudes!


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