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Bob Hoover to Receive Wright Brothers Memorial Trophy

Robert A. “Bob” Hoover has been named recipient of this year’s Wright Brothers Memorial Trophy from the National Aeronautic Association (NAA). The honor will be presented at the Wright Memorial Dinner on Friday, December 12, in Washington, D.C. The trophy, one of the most important, historic, and visible aviation and aerospace awards in the world, is awarded annually to a living American for “…significant public service of enduring value to aviation in the United States,” according to the NAA.… ( 기타...

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744pnf 1
Well done Mr. Hoover!
peteb200 1
Congrats sir!
ADXbear 1
Fantastic Mr Hoover.. I will long remember our conversations while we both worked for Rockwell.. and enjoyed your incredible airshow acts in the aero commander.. thank you for your service to the aviation world !


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