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Behold the fastest, most badass attack helicopter in the world

The S-97 Raider—Sikorsky new attack helicopter—is out and it is not only gorgeous. It's absolutely badass. ( 기타...

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How long have we seen toy helicopters with counter-rotating rotors for ease of flying? Why it took this long to get a prototype with two existing technologies (pusher prop and counter-rotating rotor) - I have no idea. Carbon fiber is nothing but reinforced plastic that takes too long to make with current tech. I'll bet that in the next 10 years there will be a much better process than sticking layers together, adding resin, nonstick sheets, then a plastic vacuums bag into an autoclave.... I bet there will be an injection resin into a dye with fiber honeycomb skeleton that will take seconds to make, not hours or days. The Lamborghini Aventador is the first vehicle I've seen with a foam endoskeleton beneath carbon fiber. Lightweight doesn't have to be expensive or time consuming
WtfWtf 1
Coaxial is awesome! Just like the toys.. I wanna see a full size quadracopter some day too.. Prob a lot more stable thanthe regular design
Thanks for sharing!
Just a thought, but I'm wondering if this is a sneak-peek of what the 2 new Marine One helos will look like, except with those aircraft being slightly longer, enough to carry passengers.
oowmmr 1
Badass to the Maxx. Hoping Raider gets its Certs.
Lockheed Cheyenne had a pusher prop 45 years ago. Also a crazy fast ship. Hopefully the Raider won't be met with the same indifference. looks slick, hopefully it can deliver!
I may be needing education but most badass ! I wonder. Fastest yes but for an attack helicopter to be the most it should have fire power unsurpassed by most others ! It may even be limited but highly specialized fire power and the unparallel kind . In air or ground or at sea .
Right ? Wrong ?
BaronG58 1
Looks interesting...


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