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Fighter jets scramble to escort Charlotte-bound flight

This was last Friday and my boss was on this flight. Pretty accurate account of what happened according to him, but news has been pretty quiet about it since. ( 기타...

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Why are y'all flaming this? A passenger found a note in the lav about ISIS terrorists on board. The WSOC confirmed that fighters trailed the flight from about halfway from DFW. I just copied the headline from the Charlotte TV station. This was a pretty serious incident. Like I said my boss was on this flight and was 4 hrs late getting home after being in Texas all week. If y'all don't think the terrorist threat to this country is real, God help us all. Flame away.
Makes sense to me. I kinda thought that what this forum was all about.
The article nor the video mention fighter jets actually being scrambled.
Well, it is in the title and they don't just fly around up there as a routine to follow stuff.
Agreed. Either the title was a little misleading, or the full facts aren't told in the article or video. Who knows. Either way, I'm glad I wasn't on that flight. Thanks for posting the story, Brian.


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