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Possibly the most amazing FlightAware flight track map...

Straight up North and straight down South! Final leg of a pole-to-pole circumnavigation in single seat single engine homebuilt Lancair: 25 hour flight from Alaska to North Carolina via the North Pole in the dark of Winter. What a flight! ( 기타...

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Next week he will be attending a class on great circle navigation.
bdrout 4
Background info from an old article:
I´m so impressed I was looking at flightaware track of this small airplane and I can't believe from 12JAN2015 20JAN2015 almost 68hrs total flight time in 8 days What a loogbook What a flight! aMAZING
At 19:34 he climbed from FL106 to FL120 at 90N 180E picked up by Anchorage Center - maybe to be seen over Anchorage's horizon? Santa's field was closed for the season so he diverted to KISO.


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