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World's Longest Commercial Flight Aircraft Retires

Qantas Airways 747-400 aircraft VH-OJA, "City of Canberra", holds the world record for the longest ever commercial flight, non-stop from London to Sydney in 20 hours, 9 minutes and 5 seconds in August 1989. Now, in early March, it will take its final.. and shortest flight, with an expected flying time of just 10 minutes. ( 기타...

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How simply wonderful the old bird is being retired to a Museum for so many to enjoy and not sent to that desert boneyard where so many who have served so well sadly go...
I once flew London to Sydney, and it took 3 days! I wish I could have been lucky enough to make that flight!
4 captains on that record breaking flight according to the pic. at 2 hors, I expect there was plenty of work to go around.
Let's say 20 hours old man and chalk it up to a sticky keyboard. LOL
canuck44 0
I thought I remembered another 74 at a regional airport and the comments on this article did bring up a previous landing of a 747 which promptly encountered a sinkhole.


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