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Main Content Fly On a 747 [for an hour] Without Leaving the USA

This is your chance to fly the B747 without leaving the country as Delta Air Lines operates a flight between Detroit and Minneapolis. ( 기타...

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Ryan, airlineflyer1399 told the truth AND made a completely reasonable statement about future flights! The person making false statements here is you, not him!
This is actually false.... delta is not doing this.... An airbus a319 is operating flight 52... sorry people this article is false see below this info is actually of deltas website...

DEPARTS Tue Feb 17 | 8:35am
from Detroit, MI (DTW)

ARRIVES Tue Feb 17 | 9:45am
at Minneapolis/St Paul, MN (MSP)

FLIGHT DL 52 | 2h 10m

PLANE Airbus A319 - View Seats
It wasn't "false". At the time of publishing, the B747 was scheduled to operate the flight (see screenshot). Equipment changes happen. These opportunities occasionally do pop up when a/c need to be re-positioned for charters and I wouldn't be surprised to see the flight operate Weds or Thurs instead. My guess is there was a schedule change on a charter.
Flight isnt operating weds or thurs either... any other false statements you'd like to make??
And for the record.... If they are being repo'd 9 times out of 10 they go out empty..... Trust me I know....


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