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Ivory Coast Gets Approval For Direct US Flights

Ivory Coast has received approval from the United States to start direct flights between the two countries, boosting the West African nation's hopes of becoming a regional transport hub. A senior official at Ivory Coast's National Civil Aviation Authority said the US Transportation Security Administration had given the green light for direct flights. "That will reinforce our aim of being a hub for the region and help to attract more US investors, who did not want to make long… ( 기타...

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Let's trot out some more Dark Continent stereotypes.
canuck44 2
Competition for Dakar and Cape Verde...and we can import Ebola directly.
honza nl 1
and they will import your obesitas
"Obesitas" is what? That is not an English word...
BHO overthrew the last good Christian President who was attempting to reconcile the opposing forces. This gentle University professor only wanted peace in his country. BHO sided with the Muslim extremists and helped install a violent revolutionary. Now the new regime is trying to have the Professor President prosecuted in world court.
I think our president wants to promote activity with Africa any way he can. I only hope we can install safeguards to prevent Ebola as John Donaldson stated.
Come on people!! Do you THINK we can get past the Ebola hysteria?? Let's see (time to think here--I know, it's hard)... we've had all of about 5 cases. We now have really good safeguards in place to keep infectious diseases out. Or perhaps you haven't traveled lately and didn't notice?

There are great advantages to be had by flying directly to Africa. The time is right.


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