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Bombardier out to win medium-range jet bet despite Airbus setback

Paris (AFP) - Despite failing to agree a potential tie-up with Airbus, Canadian planemaker Bombardier insists it can make its bet on entering the lucrative medium-range passenger jet market a winner, while also leaving the door open to possible future alliances. ( 기타...

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Well, they had an alliance in earlier years with Boeing. There is a lot of hype here with everybody saying it is not a last ditch effort. If that is so much smoke, it will show shortly as in bankruptcy, or out and out shutdown, although I doubt the Canadian government will allow that to happen. It just seems as if they are allowing them to look on their own for a beginning. If not, hopefully they can start getting some delivered and get some cash flow generated to keep things afloat.
I tend to forget that foreign governments, governments other than the United States, tend to back their big businesses with subsidies, tax advantages, and contracts. I can't imagine Boeing remaining partners in a project that threatens that of the 73.
I can't remember exactly why they pulled out but they just did.
It seems the trend is for bigger and bigger aircraft. I'm not sure I understand at all. "They" must be expecting a lot of people flying to the same places. Yet the medium market seems to be growing and thriving. The 73 seems to be the new 3. Talk about a work horse.
I ,ay be wrong. Seems to me that alliance ended either when Boeing announced the 73 or CC decided to try the CS100; can't remember.
I've been flying in 73s since the 1970s. The 737-100 was a much smaller airplane, but you could feel it loved to fly. I doubt it's the announcement, unless maybe you're talking about a recent variant.


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