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Fully Armed MiG-29 Does Insanely Low Pass

This brightly painted MiG-29 Fulcrum from the Ukrainian Falcons aerobatic jet team blast past spectators on an impressively low and fast flyby. What makes this maneuver even more astounding is the just is loaded to the brim with armaments. ( 기타...

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30west 2
Leaves a smoke trail like an F-4 Phantom of wars gone by, not good in aerial combat or even just flying in a war zone. You can see 'em from miles and miles!
N859012 1
Not the brightest crayon in the box
jbqwik 1
well you know, boys will be boys. I could tell you about the time a f106 jock narrowly missed the radome at Murpy Dome. Then hit the AB which kicked his bird within 10 feet of his teammate. Got away with it to the delight of a few dozen terminally bored airmen. Seemed like a good idea...
Pilot78 1
Where does the "insanely Low " part come in ---fairly normal , low and rather moderate speed pass , so me 50 feet at,,,around 300 KTS ---no biggie. Still fun to watch


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