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Former Sen. Ted Stevens, ex-NASA chief Sean O'Keefe were on crashed Alaska plane

A plane crash in Alaska may have claimed the life of one of the state's former senators, as well as a former head of NASA. Former Republican U.S. Senator Ted Stevens was aboard a plane that crashed in Alaska, a congressional source told Reuters on Tuesday. The Associated Press also reports that former NASA Administrator, Sean O'Keefe, was on board. Nine people are believed to have been aboard in total, five of whom died, and Alaska National Guard spokesman Maj. Guy Hayes said. It is… ( 기타...

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Registration for the tail number [], but no flight track history is available.
I hope they can save those who did not perish in the crash. I wait to see what the Flight recorders will reveal.

I've always felt we need a better system for flying through mountainous terrain. The "highway in the sky" heads up displays would help to prevent mountain crashes caused by pilot error. Such as the Synthetic Vision system developed (ironically) by NASA.
and another link to Chelton who makes it commercially available.
Picture of the aircraft - just google N455A and click on images.
and another link to Chelton who makes it commercially available.
oops, I meant to post that it looks like from the photos that she had an engine change sometime between March and April of 2005. At least according to the photos on
This A/C has a TPE 331 and Hartzell Prop STC installed in 2005. The pilot had logged over 29,000 hours. Lot's of factors for FAA/NTSB investigators to research. It's a long process. Media should not jump to conculsions about causes.
I flew Turbine Otters out of Ketchikan, AK during the summer of 2006 for a Part 135 operator. The best float plane I've ever flown. There a no flight recorders on these aircraft.
FDR's & CVR's are not required for this type of A/C. Cert basis CAR 10& 3.


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