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US Air Force ready for flyover of Super Bowl 50

One plane has two powerful jet engines with afterburners, flies at almost 2,000 mph, can soar more than 12 miles above the earth, and has 34 air combat victories in Operation Desert Storm. The other hums along at 150 mph, powered by a six-piston engine and a two-bladed propeller. It can't get much higher than 3 miles above the ground. It's more suited to carry your grandma than a gun. But together, the two planes -- the Air National Guard's F-15 Eagle and the Civil Air… ( 기타...

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Calling this a "flyover" is disingenuous. It's much closer to a CAP (Combat Air Patrol), while a "flyover" would be the aircraft flying over the stadium before the game.
btweston 1
Go Navy


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