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Small Plane Crashes Into Side Of Van Nuys, California Building

VAN NUYS ( — One person was killed after a small plane has crashed into the side of a building near Van Nuys Airport. KNX 1070 helicopter reporter Desmond Shaw witnessed the crash just after it took off at about 1:15 p.m. into a building at 16145 West Hart Street, just a block away from the busy commuter airport. Authorities confirmed at least one person was killed in the crash. ( 기타...

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Sad that a Life is lost No Matter WHAT the cause of it happened to be !!!!
"...the last time he filed a flight plan was in December of 2015." What the hell difference does that make? Oh, maybe if he had filed a flight plan the aircraft would not have gone down? Irresponsible reporting and certainly one of my pet peeves about incident reports from the media. Not their fault, but they should speak with someone aviation-oriented first rather than give the public erroneous ideas about just how unsafe flying really is and it was the pilots fault for not doing the paperwork and operating dangerously because he/she didn't file a flight plan, etc.
I believe they were attempting to infer that the last time he flew was when he filed that December flight plan, but if that is what they were trying to say they did it badly.

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Oops. I stand corrected, Peter! Yes, those days are indeed gone. Regretfully so.

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