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Phoenix to be Jammed with Biz Jets

For the upcoming Super Bowl, the skies of Phoenix will be packed with jets, which should make for some interesting tracking on FlightAware. ( 기타...

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bigbinco 0
The skys won't be busy due to the fact that Phoenix has a no-fly zone in that area on Super Bowl sunday.
dbaker 0
I'm sure the TFR you're referring to allows private aircraft to arrive and depart such that passengers can attend the event.
Giants1124 0
and im sure most if not all of the people r flying in Friday or sat..i doubt alot would fly in on sunday...anyway GO GIANTSSSSSSSSSSS
Peanuts. Wait until Speed weeks at DAB, runway 17/35 becomes a parking lot.
wkayd 0
The TFR came in on Sunday afternoon. All the jets arrived in the 2 -3 hours before it, and they started departing around 9pm (local). Its now 1.21am and they are STILL departing.


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