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Business Boeing 737 Max jets will launch the age of $69 one way trans-Atlantic fares and it should start in March 2017

Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA hopes to sell one-way tickets to Europe for $69 as early as 2017. ( 기타...

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I'll never forget the time I boarded an Aer Lingus flight from Ireland to New York in a Boeing 737 with only two engines. Three engines had been the minimum until then for crossing the Atlantic. But I felt safe, as technology had come a long way. It was a matter of trust.
Just wondering, how much will the return leg cost?
$6,900, or free if you take a migrant with you.
Might be more comfortable to put postage on your butt and have someone shove you through the slot at the Post Office and mail yourself to Europe.
Most 737 have two engines.
On Southwest, it's an up-charge for the second engine!

too soon?
mike SUT 2
Never too soon to pick on least they had to taxi at the same speed as everyone else when they landed at Pensacola :-)


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