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Easyjet wants more women in the cockpit

Easyjet says it has doubled the number of female pilots in a year after launching a recruitment drive. The Amy Johnson initiative named after the first female pilot to fly solo from the UK to Australia, prompted a surge in applications. ( 기타...

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The one I was thinking about was Royal Brunei Airlines and an all female muslim crew in 787 last March. There may have been others as well.
Andy, you are right. Shukron. I'll wipe the egg off my face.
I will provide the cloth! Take care
According to the BBC article there are only 450 female captains worldwide. I find that a very low number. I comment EasyJet for their active promotion of female pilots and hopefully creating an atmosphere where they are respected for their achievements. I know Aer Lingus has flown an all female A330 to LAX from DUB, and that there was another airline that flew an all female crew from Asia (cannot recall the airline or route) to Saudi Arabia where the pilots would not be allowed to drive! This was to celebrate Women's Day. Any help and clarification appreciated
The airline was from Kazakhstan and the flight was to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The two pilots were Muslim women flying into a country where women were forbidden to even drive automobiles. That's what made the story. A couple of years ago.
Thanks for the info and I agree that was the point!
RECOR10 -1
I thought we are all "gender neutral" now? What about an XY that identifies as an XX? I feel so objectified. I guess that Aer Lingus has some cunning hiring techniques..but, a three way to Asia to make sure a man can drive to DUB?


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