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Royal Canadian Air Force 15 Wing Moose Jaw reports ejection from CT-156 Harvard II

At approximately 10:30 a.m. Central Standard Time, a Royal Canadian Air Force (#RCAF) flight instructor and RCAF student ejected from a CT-156 Harvard II training aircraft based at 15 Wing Moose Jaw in Saskatchewan. The plane crashed southwest of Moose Jaw. ( 기타...

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canuck44 9
Glad they are safe surviving the ejection and the second risk of hypothermia...grew up 150 miles to the North of there and January winters were never gentle.
If you don't like the fb article, then try this one or maybe this one
Thanks for that. Couldn't get the RSOE link to work (and I'm a premium member) but government site link worked.
I won't click on FB squawks. For us "gasp" non-FBer's, the non removable ad and banner eat 60% of the screen and it ain't worth the effort. Cheers.
It is the official RCAF Facebook page though.
I get it, not really scolding, just sayin. The cost of being a non.
SFOBro 1
Bless you. I can't believe that I found someone else that is proudly non-FB.
I will NEVER get involved with that garbage.
Making things the "official" page won't help to "cure" some of us.
Well here's another non-FB and proud of it. There's more of us than you might think.
I agree. I have no FB account and don't have any interest in getting one.
FB is the "party line" of the current generation. I started out with a "party line" when it was called a Telephone. All I can say is when anybody wants to sue somebody cause it ain't private on FB, never had a party line telephone. It may seem private when your typin it in there, But it really couldn't be more public.
People these days just don't understand that "online privacy" is an oxymoron.
Thanks guys. I thought I recognised the Texan in the photo. The RNZAF have recently taken delivery of a small fleet of them. Maybe eight airframes? I am old enough to remember the Argus in RCAF service. Although piston engined, I seem to recall that the airframe (at least the wing) had a lot in common with the turboprop Bristol Brittania. The RAAF here in Aus are starting to take delivery of their early P-8A Poseidons. Personally, I think that four engines are preferable for the maritime mission.
canuck44 1
You are was called the American Bristol Britania at first but had little in common after the wings. It had piston engines and was unpressurized; slow but amazing endurance of over 25 hours. It had a crew of 14-16 who by the end of a mission were deaf as posts as the noise factor was huge. As I did their aircrew medicals in the early '70's I could tell from the hearing test whether the crewman was from the Argus or was on Sea Kings by the hearing loss. The Argus guys got their high frequencies wiped out whereas the helo types lost mid range. Some of the crewmen would come in with a huge number of hours in their log book in the previous 12 months. Some who wiped out on the Argus for hearing got posted to Sea Kings.
Stories went around with about a crew commander getting punished for a trans-Atlantic flight losing an engine after leaving GIB, continuing on losing a second mid Atlantic and arriving back at Greenwood with one good engine and one sick one.

The Yukon was eh Canadair replica for the Bristol Briania, but with Rolls Royce engines and a huge endurance. I flow on one from Edmonton to Halifax non-stop with us all sitting backwards. It was a nice aircraft.
In the mid sixties my wife was a teacher on the Canadian bases in northern Germany, they were brought over and back on Yukons. She doesn't remember much more than the noise.
Curious habit of the RCAF in that they rename all of their operational aircraft types. For example, the Lockheed P3 is NOT known as an Orion! I had absolutely NO clue as to what precisely was a Harvard 2 until I saw the accompanying photo...
honza nl 4
Curious habit of the US to rename also a Pilatus PC-9 into a Texan T-6....
The Brits named the Catalina, which stuck with the Consolidated (US) product.
SFOBro 3
The Catalina. One of my faves of all time.
canuck44 2
That is true only for a few aircraft as most other US manufactured ones kept their US given name. The Orion airframe was named the Aurora but was substantially different in its electronics. Now with its midlife refit in Halifax and modification of the wings the differences will be greater.

Given the inability of Canadian politicians to replace aging aircraft until they are flying museum pieces like its predecessor the Argus and the 1964 Sea Kings still flying, this is unlikely to be midlife, even as the US Navy replaces its P-3's with the Boeing P-8A Poseidon.
A Harvard II is basically a Texan T-6
honza nl 3
And a Texan T-6 is basicly a Pilatus PC-9....
wylann 2
Yes and no. Raytheon Aircraft bought the type certificate for the PC-9 from Pilatus and based the airframe on it. There were a lot of modifications to the internal structure, and many to the avionics over the years. The T-6 received a separate US type certificate because it was different enough from the original PC-9.

I worked on the production line for that aircraft for nearly 8 years, including the AT-6 and T-6B versions.


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