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Tail-strike after bounced landing damaged Jet2 737

Portuguese investigators have detailed a bounced landing at Funchal in which a Jet2 Boeing 737-800 was substantially damaged by a tail-strike. ( 기타...

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Wow, I'm never flying Jet2! The nearest place they fly from is stansted and they are not cheap flights at all! I'm flying easyJet in a couple of days, really looking forward to it
So by the same logic, you'll not be flying on most airlines then. Easyjet hasn't had a major incident as yet, but the odds are that one day it will. Ryanair has already written off an aircraft in Rome.

The damage to this Jet2 aircraft wasn't enough to declare it a write-off. This incident happened on 17th Feb 2014 and I flew on the same aircraft from Manchester to Mahon on 12th September 2015.

It's been 6 years since I flew Easyjet. I've not found them to be as cheap as a) they used to be when I flew with them on a regular basis and b) other charter lo-cos.
Thanks Martin, I suppose that does make sense!


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